
it’s always interesting going new places.  I love it.  I have fun and treat people as if I’ve known them for years.  I have fun at work while getting the serious things done in a quick and efficient manner.  I believe that this relaxes the crew and the patient.  I always state that I’m not new to anesthesia but am new to the facility and why I’m going through the paperwork a little more. 

I expect to be checked on a little more or observed more closely if in a “Care team”  model.  CRNA group the same happens just because they don’t know me or what I do/don’t know.  It’s just how things go.  I also expect them to vary the assignments from big to little to tiny and see how they wish to utilize my skill-set... it’s a way of interviewing me.  They see if I complain or fumble or have issue with those that have the most awesome personality.  These things are part of the locum political environment. I generally say that I stay out of the politics by being a locum.  I should have been saying that I remain outside of the political arena that most ACT CRNAs are in.  It’s not that it doesn’t exist ... it’s just significantly less than full-time staff typically experience.  

I have some docs and CRNAs that try to teach me at times ... from how I should hold my Miller to doing a CVP fall whenever doing a central line.  I’m not above learning and I’ll simply nod or oblige if they want something simple that’ll re-assure them that my intervention is done safely and efficiently.   

I guess what I’m saying is that each place I go I expect a period of assessment in some way.  I expect to be thrown in to the mix quickly and handed around to the different personalities and surgeons.  I always listen too.  When I hear “oh, they put him there...” I know it’ll be an interesting day.  I think we, as locum providers, need to know whom the client is, how to handle interpersonal communications, and have to be more knowledgeable in a broader scope of practice than most institutions utilize.   

I think it takes about 4-6 weeks for a place to get used to a new provider whether it be locum or permanent... then 5-9 months to understand how a place operates and if they are a good provider fit.

These are just my thoughts on the day.